XMF Remote


XMF Remote provides powerful browser-based online job submission, previewing, approval and output control. It enables you to expand the range of remote services you offer to your customers, speeding up job handoff, review, correction and turnaround.

  • Customer access via standard web browser

  • Clients submit, arrange, pre-flight and approve jobs via fully customizable web portal

  • Comprehensive annotation tools for multiple reviewers

  • Automates handling of approved jobs

  • Reduces production errors

  • Online and emailed status reports and alerts speed up review and sign-off

  • Approved pages automatically prepped for CTP or digital output

  • Advanced 3D proofing engine creates more realistic ‘virtual’ 3D proofs

XMF Remote Express


An online system for clients to deliver PDF files for printing directly into the workflow and for jobs to be quickly approved online prior to being printed.

  • Have clients submit files online rather than via email 

  • „„Send emails to clients to simply “click” and “upload” 

  • „„Provide online proofs to clients for quick job approval 

  • „„Reduce the number of touchpoints in the print production workflow 

  • „„Install on the same PC hardware as used for XMF Workflow 

  • „„Be up and running with your clients in less than one day